I need to get in contact where do I go?
I monitor my Instagram the most that's at @videowicks. If you don't have an account that is completely fine, you can email me at videowicks@gmail.com I typically respond within a couple of hours and at max. 24 hours.

What are your candles made out of?

My candles are made out of Soy Wax, my candles are vegan and human friendly. Soy Wax is overall better for the environment and it doesn't give off any nasty chemicals. I do not use natural Mica in my products for ethical reasons however there may be synthetic mica used. All fragrances have been tested appropriately and bought from websites with full listing of chemicals inside of them. 

I also use a blend of liquid and wax dyes. In soy waxes these can come off in a more pastel colour rather than bold colours.

All glitter used in my candles are eco-glitter products, this means they do not contain plastic and are 100% safe to burn.

Do you take custom orders?
Not so much custom orders as I do for requests! A lot of people can't find what they are looking for and sometimes the best thing to do is ask. Just send me a message over on instagram and I'll see if it's something that's Viable to do.

Shipping is taking too long, is there anything you can do?
I can't control the post, as much as I wish I could. Sit tight and it should be with you soon. 

Is there any difference between a 'monthly box' and a standard purchase of candles?
If I ever do a collection bundle they will most likely contain something extra relating to that fandom. I try to keep my costs down as low as possible so that I don't overcharge people.

What are your candles stored in?
My candles are currently in 7oz jars, there may be also an occasion where I do 3.5oz tins or even 1.6oz tins! 7oz jars have a burn time of 40+ hours. 3.5oz have 20+ hours and 1.6oz hours for 10+ hours.

What are your wax melts stored in?
My wax melts come in Wax Melt Clamshells, these are made out of 86% recycled material.